The Kiepersol Name
The Founder of Kiepersol, Pierre de Wet was raised in South Africa on a farm named Kiepersol. The farm name originated from a legend about a lone towering tree in the African savanna.
During the Boer War of 1900 in South Africa, British soldiers were witnessed running from a lion through an open, grass field toward a single-trunk tree shouting “Kiepersol, Kiepersol, Kiepersol!”
The Boers who saw the soldiers climb to safety named the tree “Kiepersol”. Years later, the Boers realized the soldiers were actually yelling, “we hope the tree will ‘keep us all’”.
Since that time, the tree has symbolized strength, integrity, and for a short time, ‘home’ for a few fortunate soldiers.
The symbolism of this tree was adopted by Kiepersol as our namesake in hopes that everyone who visits can find that same type of comfort.